Instructions for VPCRAC Research Projects Final Reports

General Guidelines

The final report is more formal and should follow the generic format for scientific reports as shown below. Please note that some studies involve more than one trial or test with different methods. Do not combine all trials in one methods section, one results section, etc. Instead, report each test in sequence with its own methods section, results section, etc. Upon completion, send electronically to David Kratville.

Important: A Data Confidentiality Page and a Good Laboratory Practice Statement Page may also be required if the study will be submitted to a regulatory agency such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency or the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Please contact the VPCRAC Administrator if you have questions.

Final Report Sections and Content

  1. Title page: study contract number, study title, data requirement if required, study director, author(s) name, performing laboratory, test dates, sponsor, report citation.
  2. Table of Contents: List the starting page numbers for sections 3 - 13 listed below and any associated sub-sections.
  3. Abstract:The abstract should be a statement of the findings not to exceed 4% of the length of the text including the literature cited. The abstract should include:

    a. The problem studied or hypothesis tested and justification for the study, what was it and why was it important.

    b. Pertinent methods.

    c. Results. Briefly provide the most important results, both positive and negative.

    d. Applicability of the results. Describe how, where, when or by whom the results can be applied to wildlife damage and how does it benefit California agriculture.

  4. Key Words: Ten to 12 words, in alphabetical order. Include words that identify the common and scientific names of the species under study, the topic or specific item under study (e. g., baiting strategies, behavior, control technique, damage, economics, repellent, resistance, toxicant, toxicity), methods (if a new or improved method), and other useful words.
  5. Introduction: Much like the original proposal, this section provides background information about the subject of study: what is the problem and the extent of the problem, previous research, current control techniques, and why the need for the research. The objectives of the study should be given here.
  6. Study Area: Indicate where the study occurred. For field studies include descriptions of the habitat, geography, climate, and other factors as pertinent to the study.
  7. Methods: Include dates, sampling schemes, duration, research design, data analyses.
  8. Results: Provide results in an organized manner. Do not overlap text and information in tables or figures. Do not describe methods that should be in the Methods section. Do not interpret results in the Results section.
  9. Discussion: This section is for interpreting the results and for comparisons with other studies. Comment only on the most important results. Do not repeat results in this section.
  10. Recommendations: Present recommendations as a list. Some speculation may be included, but this section should provide specific information that relates the results to management, or indicates how the results may best be applied to a particular issue. Additional research could be recommended here.
  11. Acknowledgments: Indicate any cooperators or significant contributors to the study with regard to study sites, field assistance, research advice, manuscript review. Indicate the funding source.
  12. Literature Cited: Provide an alphabetical list based on author of all publications cited in the text. Spell out all words in the literature citation; do not use abbreviations except for "U.S.".
  13. Tables and Figures: Tables and figures may either be embedded in the text or presented after the Literature Cited section in the order in which they were cited in the text. Photographs may be used if helpful in illustrating a particular point or subject.


Coming soon!

Final Report Template (Microsoft Word format)

Final Report Report (PDF format)