The final report is more formal and should follow the generic format for scientific reports as shown below. Please note that some studies involve more than one trial or test with different methods. Do not combine all trials in one methods section, one results section, etc. Instead, report each test in sequence with its own methods section, results section, etc. Upon completion, send electronically to David Kratville.
Important: A Data Confidentiality Page and a Good Laboratory Practice Statement Page may also be required if the study will be submitted to a regulatory agency such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency or the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Please contact the VPCRAC Administrator if you have questions.
a. The problem studied or hypothesis tested and justification for the study, what was it and why was it important.
b. Pertinent methods.
c. Results. Briefly provide the most important results, both positive and negative.
d. Applicability of the results. Describe how, where, when or by whom the results can be applied to wildlife damage and how does it benefit California agriculture.
Coming soon!
Final Report Template (Microsoft Word format)
Final Report Report (PDF format)
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